[Edu-sig] CTL: Computer Thinking Language
David MacQuigg
macquigg at ece.arizona.edu
Tue Mar 3 23:27:28 CET 2009
At 10:00 AM 3/2/2009 -0800, michel paul wrote:
>Before I discovered Python a couple of years ago I was experimenting with a pseudo-code approach for expressing math concepts. I had this kind of stuff in mind:
> if n < 2 ---> 1
> else ---> n*factorial(n-1)
I like the feeling of action in --->, but I also like the self-explanatory "return". Any other suggestions? Strong preferences?
We could use a symbol other than = for assignment, just to avoid confusion with the comparison operator and to introduce the idea of variables as labels, not containers. How about:
a2 --> a**2
a --> b --> c --> 0
A simple demo:
>>> c --> 1 # move label c, not a or b
>>> a,b,c
(0, 0, 1)
>I think some kind of a CTL approach would be especially good for a math curriculum. Maybe instead of 'Computer' TL, call it 'Computational' TL.
Good point. That was actually the choice in Fletcher's article. Kids will probably shorten it to computer, however.
>It's what algebra should be these days. And if your CTL also RUNS, well, so much the better.
>Most students, and probably most people, would read "2 + 2" as "2 plus 2", but notice how much more mathematically and computationally effective it would be if they could develop the habit of reading or thinking of "2 + 2" as "the sum of 2 and 2" or "sum(2, 2)". Think of the whole, the resulting value.
>And how about "2 + 3 * 4"? Again, the typical reading would be "2 plus 3 times 4", and that's ambiguous, and so in math classes we have to talk about 'order of operations', and usually the only justification we give for 'order of operations' is that we have to have some kind of social agreements in place in order to avoid confusion. Right?
>However, it is again more mathematically effective to read "2 + 3 * 4" as "the sum of 2 and the product of 3 and 4", or, sum(2, product(3, 4)). No ambiguity there! And this is how you have to think when you hook chains of functions together. This kind of stuff could be done very early in the curriculum. Doesn't have to wait for either advanced math classes or computer science.
It would be nice to avoid in CTL the complexities of precedence and associativity rules (very non-fundamental knowledge). How about we just do all operations in the order they occur, unless you force a different order with parens.
2 + 3 * 4 same as (2 + 3) * 4
2 + 3 * 4 ** 5 same as ((2 + 3) * 4) ** 5
On the other hand, we don't want to teach something students have to unlearn when they get to a real language. Since CTL is for CS0-level students, we should discourage complex expressions that rely on these rules, and not drill or test students on this particular choice. It's just there to make things easy for beginners.
>Math teachers often forget, or are unaware, that the ordinary arithmetic operators are themselves functions. I think it would be good for math classes to explore this kind of functional composition for very simple ideas.
>By the way, we started studying sequences today in class. What's a really good Pythonic tool for studying sequences ---> generators!
Should we include generators in CTL? Seems like students at this level should have graduated to a full-featured language. Might be fun just as an intellectual exercise to play around with an "advanced CTL". I've got some ideas for unifying all methods (class, static, normal) into one simple syntax, identical to functions.
Here's what I have so far. Shall I put this up on a wiki, so we can all hack at it?
=== CTL Syntax ===
# operators & expressions
2 + 3 * 4 same as (2 + 3) * 4
2 + 3 * 4 ** 5 same as ((2 + 3) * 4) ** 5
# variables as labels applied to objects
a2 --> a**2
a --> b --> c --> 0
# built in functions
min(), max(), sum(), and sqrt()
# custom functions
f(a,b): (a+b)/2
f(a,b): (a+b)/(2*pi) # with an "outside" variable
# functions with multiple statements
f(a,b): a2 = a**2; b2 = b**2; return (a2 + b2)/2
# same but more readable
a2 = a**2
b2 = b**2
return (a2 + b2)/2
# function returning a tuple (sneaky introduction to objects)
f(a,b): (a, (a+b)/2, b)
>>> f(2,4)
(2, 3.0, 4)
# logic
< <= == >= > != if elif else
if a<b,(b-a); else (a-b)
# control flow with multiple statements
f(a,b): if a<(b-5), return a; if (b-5)<=a<=(b+5), return (a+b)/2; return b
# recursion
f(a,b): if a<b, f(a, b-a); elif b<a, f(a-b, b); else (a,b)
if n < 2 ---> 1
else ---> n*factorial(n-1)
************************************************************ *
* David MacQuigg, PhD email: macquigg at ece.arizona.edu * *
* Research Associate phone: USA 520-721-4583 * * *
* ECE Department, University of Arizona * * *
* 9320 East Mikelyn Lane * * *
* http://purl.net/macquigg Tucson, Arizona 85710 *
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