[Edu-sig] PyWhip - Keep on crackin' it!!

David MacQuigg macquigg at ece.arizona.edu
Sat Mar 7 02:58:50 CET 2009

We've moved the project to http://pywhip.appspot.com and fixed the permissions so anyone can now edit their own problems.

At 01:35 PM 3/4/2009 -0800, kirby urner wrote:

>This idea of "running Python over the web" doesn't seem necessary to
>me, not sure why people think that's so important.

I started to do this as a downloadable program, then Athar jumped in and said he could do it just as easily in Google App Engine.  He did in one weekend what took several weeks on my own server in an earlier project.

The advantage of a web-based program is you don't have to download or install anything.  A small annoyance, for sure, but it adds up when we are making updates every day.  Also, if we get serious about teaching Python to a class, the ability to check student progress online is critical.  There are frameworks for doing automated testing (Web-CAT, etc.) but I like the way JavaBat does it so much better.

>Anyway, best wishes on catching up in Arizona.  Someday you'll be in
>the same league as Oregon!  Something to look forward to.

I hadn't thought of the project as having any particular location.  I guess you could say it is as much in Pakistan right now as in Arizona.  U of A has nothing to do with it, and I don't expect it will be used there either, unless maybe my CS2 project gets some support.  Then it will be useful as a quick transition from Java to Python, so we can spend most of our time on science and engineering.

-- Dave
************************************************************     *
* David MacQuigg, PhD    email: macquigg at ece.arizona.edu   *  *
* Research Associate                phone: USA 520-721-4583   *  *  *
* ECE Department, University of Arizona                       *  *  *
*                                 9320 East Mikelyn Lane       * * *
* http://purl.net/macquigg        Tucson, Arizona 85710          *
************************************************************     *

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