[Edu-sig] PDF geometry animations (ReportLab?) - and turtle module

Gregor Lingl gregor.lingl at aon.at
Sun May 17 15:35:04 CEST 2009

kirby urner schrieb
> For those of you looking for a way cool use of Python's ReportLab, I
> so far have permission to release this one example "PDF flipbook"
> showing how geometry concepts might be communicated using this simple
> animation technique:
> http://www.4dsolutions.net/presentations/pdf_animation_by_ron_resch.pdf
Very impressive and instructive! Is there a description somewhere, how 
'flipbooks' like these
can be produced?

With me this way of communicating geometry concepts worked rather well, 
as you can see in the

> I've been sharing this as a teaser with Software Association of Oregon
> as well, knowing Ron has a lot more where that came from (I'm suppose
> to download a half-gig PDF next time in Pauling House for a bored er
> board meeting).
> Kirby
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