[Edu-sig] Python in the news...
Vern Ceder
vceder at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 01:24:05 CET 2010
Darned right, we're proud of you! Python and Linux - way to go! ;)
On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 7:08 PM, Calcpage <calcpage at aol.com> wrote:
> Hello Kirby et al,
> OK, you guys should be very proud of me. I've been dabbling on the
> outskirts of your fine python community until recently. I entered your
> world via a back door of sorts. I was looking for a new curriculum for my
> intro CompSci students and found Gary Litvin's new text "Mathematics for the
> Digital Age" which details a course in Discrete Mathematics with an emphasis
> on Pythonic Math. I was using SAGE with these students all year until now.
> Unfortunately, I've met with a lot of lag and downtime using the various
> online SAGE servers recently. So, I finally broke down and installed a
> FTP/SFTP server just for this class using Ubuntu Linux and I installed
> Python and IDLE. We've been writing python scripts for 2 weeks now and we're
> not looking back!
> Enjoy,
> A. Jorge Garcia
> Applied Math & CS
> Baldwin SHS & Nassau CC
> http://shadowfaxrant.blogspot.com
> http://www.youtube.com/calcpage2009
> Sent from my iPod
> On Dec 13, 2010, at 5:36 PM, kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 11:24 AM, Vern Ceder < <vceder at gmail.com>
> vceder at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for both versions, Kirby! I'll take the applause wherever/however I
>> can get it. ;)
> That's cool. You've been a good Giles, a role I can also relate too.
>> I'm not into COM/Windows much, but the basic example is a neat way to
>> illustrate threading... I'll have to remember to steal it, maybe for the
>> classes I teach to our 8th graders. ;)
> Yeah, me either until recently. Good example of a host environment
> wrapping an alien "egg" (in this case a Python COM object) and continuing to
> run its own process, even while triggering running code in this other
> language.
> I'm beholden to the Medusa metaphor of asynchronous event handling. A
> thread is a lot like a Python generator in that it time shares through next
> iterations. Twisted is what became of her, outside of Zope.
>> Speaking of 8th graders, these days I'm also teaching online Python
>> courses for middle school kids through Northwestern's Gifted Learrning Links
>> program - an intro to Python using Hello World! and (starting in January) an
>> intermediate Python class, which will do more with OOP concepts and GUI's.
>> The link is here (the intermediate course isn't up yet, but should be soon)
>> - <http://www.ctd.northwestern.edu/gll/courses/enrichment/winter2011/#Technology>
>> http://www.ctd.northwestern.edu/gll/courses/enrichment/winter2011/#Technology
> This is all good. I've been back in touch with the VPython principal,
> Bruce Sherwood, to compare notes. He used to get guff from Arthur on this
> list, yet they found a symbiotic pattern around Numpy.
> For those more recently joining us: Arthur was our friend in the NYC
> financial sector who jumped onto Python + VPython in a big way, to develop
> his Pygeo projective geometry toolkit.
> I'd hoped to see him at a GWU / Pycon, one of Steve Holden's events, but
> that's the year my wife needed me home pronto (I was already in DC for a
> Bucky Fuller symposium, also at GWU).
> As it was, we had a good dinner with David Lansky and his kids, in New York
> City itself. Some kind of ethnic pancake place, upper east side.
> Anyway, just reminiscing about some of our players. The Python community
> is pretty stellar, although I'm also blown away by Perl's.
> I just haven't met that many Ruby people yet. I should probably go to some
> Rubicons, if that's what they're called.
> One of my favorite Java programmers is Gerald de Jong, who pretty much
> invented the field of Elastic Interval Geometry. Here's one of his
> Youtubes.
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6I3utbJ1M8>
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6I3utbJ1M8
> See <http://springie.com>springie.com by Tim Tyler for another excellent
> example of an EIG application.
> These days Gerald is the solo programmer on a multi-user game called
> Tetragotchi. He's amazing.
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xis6QxneccM>
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xis6QxneccM (someone filming beta
> tetragotchi)
> Kirby
> PS: I need to stick a Queue object on the head of my jellyfish (Medusa COM
> object). As FoxPro calls in, yelling "route me a truck", I'll queue the
> request, not unlike an httprequest. Indeed, some might ask "why not use
> XML-RPC"? Well, you'd still have the same dynamic of needing to return a
> "job ticket" right away, then have the caller come back for the dry cleaning
> another time. So asynchronous thinking would be involved.
>> Cheers,
>> Vern
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Vern Ceder
vceder at gmail.com, vceder at dogsinmotion.com
The Quick Python Book, 2nd Ed - http://bit.ly/bRsWDW
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