[Edu-sig] [ANNC] pynguin-0.11 python turtle graphics application
mokurai at earthtreasury.org
mokurai at earthtreasury.org
Fri Aug 12 04:43:22 CEST 2011
The purely graphical Python version of turtle Graphics is Turtle
Art/Turtle Blocks in the Sugar education software.
You are welcome to adapt the tutorials at
to Pynguin or any other version of Turtle Art.
On Wed, August 10, 2011 10:39 pm, Lee Harr wrote:
> Pynguin is a python-based turtle graphics application.
> It combines an editor, interactive interpreter, and
> graphics display area.
> It is meant to be an easy environment for introducing
> some programming concepts to beginning programmers.
> http://pynguin.googlecode.com/
> This release continues to expand basic functionality and
> explores more user-friendly options in the interface.
> Pynguin is tested with Python 2.7.1 and PyQt 4.8.3 and
> will use Pygments syntax highlighting if available.
> Pynguin is released under GPLv3.
> Changes in pynguin-0.11:
> Session
> - all settings now moved in to menus and settings dialogs
> Pynguin API
> - added .label() method to have a label attached to a pynguin
> - also accessible as .name attribute
> - added .speed() method to change speed from user code
> - viewcoords() now returns integers by default
> - pass floats=True to get the float values instead
> - added .track() and .notrack() methods for user code
> Canvas
> - added support for custom avatars
> - both svg and bitmap images supported
> - fixed motion when drawing slow circles with pen up
> - don't draw circles when pen is up and speed is instant
> - expand canvas when resizing window
> Integrated Editor
> - added "Test / Run all" button
> - improved handling of external .py files
> Integrated Console
> - now gives correct call syntax when using test/run on classes
> Examples
> - make examples use new viewcoords() API
> - fixed multi.pyn scatter example
> - make multi.pyn follow examples work with existing pynguins
> - demonstrate labels in multi.pyn follow example
> - fix penup() in oo.pyn ZZ example
> - add centered circle in oo.pyn ZZ example
> General
> - fixed examples getting gzipped in .deb distribution file
> - added a way to dump contents of .pyn from command line
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Edward Mokurai
ج) Cherlin
Silent Thunder is my name, and Children are my nation.
The Cosmos is my dwelling place, the Truth my destination.
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