[Edu-sig] Python's keywords and functions convertor into native language for lowering entrance barrier
Murat Jumashev
jumasheff at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 13:08:22 CET 2013
Kirby, André
Thank you so much for your advices, links and ideas!
I admit that non-english programming approach has more cons than pros, but
it will definitely help Kyrgyz young people to understand the basic coding
consepts. At this time, for them code samples written in pure python may
look like the following piece of code for american (or english speaking)
балдар = ["Асан", "Азамат", "Мурат", "Куман"]
салам = "Салам, "
арбир бала ичинен балдар:
чыгар салам + бала
This was a sample for loop :)
The whole idea is not about teaching coding only in Kython (let's call
Kyrgyz version of Python this way :) ), but it is rather about showing them
in the very first classes that programming is not that awfully complicated
and dull as they thought. After they master basic Kython, it is probably
useful to slightly move to Python.
I'll write as I move on this, if it's interesting for you.
You can always find me in Google+
Thank you!
2013/1/31 kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com>
> Hi Murat --
> I presume you know that Python 3 source code may use any Unicode strings
> for names, including variables, functions, classes and so on.
> That leaves 33 keywords in English.
> >>> import keyword
> >>> keyword.kwlist
> You can write a script that simply catalogs synonyms for builtins.
> >>> басуу = print
> >>> басуу(10)
> 10
> 'print' is not a keyword in Python 3 so this assigning of a Kyrgyz name is
> possible.
> So if you had a script named kyrgyz.py, you could provide many synonyms
> for common functions such as dir, input, and even type names such as str,
> list, int, dict, float.
> However, what dir( ) returns will still contain English much of the time.
> The Standard Library is in English.
> This compromise solution that keeps the 33 English keywords at a minimum
> will help students learn to read more Python written by others. They won't
> need a "special Python" to interpret the code.
> The documentation, docstrings, variable, function, class names etc. can
> all be in Krgyz even now, with no further modifications.
> I work with a programmer in Indonesia who sometimes sends me Python that's
> 90% Indonesian.
> Here's a Wiki page on the topic of Python in non-Latin1-languages:
> http://wiki.python.org/moin/Languages
> Kirby
> Sample source (Kazakh):
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # python 3.0/3.1 сәлем = ['Қайырлы таң', 'Қайырлы күн', 'Қайырлы жаріқ'] менйм_атйм = ['Арүжан', 'Меиржан'] for сәлемx in сәлем: for менйм_атймx in менйм_атйм: print(сәлемx + ' ' + менйм_атймx)
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