[Edu-sig] Looking for a course syllabus exemplars for a high school year-long course in Python/Javascript

Clint Johns clint.m.johns at gmail.com
Wed Feb 19 23:14:11 CET 2014

Greetings Python community,

I have been asked to create an introduction to programming course, with an
emphasis on Python and JavaScript, for this upcoming school year.

My knowledge of Python is beginning/intermediate, but I am willing to learn
in order to make this a viable course. I am interested in interfacing with
LEGO NXT and EV3 robotics kits, and possibly designing some games.

If any of you can point me to some resources, it would be of great help,
and I would be extremely thankful.

Continued success in all you do,

Clint Johns
computer science teacher
San Francisco Bay Area, CA
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