[Edu-sig] Free 'Intro to Python' talk offer to PPS

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 20:46:44 CEST 2015

Although full time employed with benefits, my hours are shifting such that
I'm making more room during the day (I've done this before).

In the run-up to PyCon, I want to put it out there that I'd be happy to
drive to any Portland Public School and do a free talk on Python, to
whatever mix of faculty + admin + students.

former HS teacher (maths / history / honors philo )
Portland User Group organizer
PSF voting member
Full Time Python mentor for O'Reilly
Had two daughters enrolled in PPS through HS
Taught Python as volunteer to 8th graders @ Winterhaven PPS for some weeks

Yes, I know, I should share this offer with PPS directly... so this is my
way of creating something to link to.

Others may want to jump in as willing 'Intro to Python' talk givers.  Other
audiences besides PPS would be totally viable, I'm just trying to limit my
scope to stay sane. :-D

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