[Edu-sig] of Brython, JavaScript and closures

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 13:40:02 EDT 2016

Those of you tracking the Cuba working group will have seen that Brython is
to be a topic [0].

That's "Python is the browser", which I'm eager to try (haven't yet).

Brython is a segue to JavaScript, which I'm relearning from scratch ('The
Good Parts' etc.).

Over on mathfuture I'm continuing to discuss what I call the Lambda Calc
track [1] where we introduce programming as a math-relevant way of thinking
/ activity / skill.  A long-running theme here on edu-sig already.

In comparing JavaScript and Python, I'm learning quite a bit.


JavaScript allows closures wherein a function in a function retains its
memory of the variables (names) in the surrounding scope.  The following
example of a closure is from:

Speaking JavaScript
by Axel Rauschmayer
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Release Date: March 2014
ISBN: 9781449365035

in the intro section on Closures.

function createIncrementor(start)
         {return function () {
          return start;    }}

... which gives the following behavior:

> var inc = createIncrementor(5);
> inc()
> inc()
> inc()

Lets try that same thing in Python.

def createIncrementor(x):
        def increm():
                x += 1
                return x
        return increm

At first it seems not to work (not just seems, it doesn't):

>>> from closure import createIncrementor
>>> inc = createIncrementor(5)
>>> inc()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#30>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/kurner/Documents/classroom_labs/closure.py", line 4, in
    x += 1
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment

That's where the keyword nonlocal comes in.

The increm function was originally looking in the global namespace for x
whereas we need it to look "close to home" (at the originally surrounding

def createIncrementor(x):
        def increm():
                nonlocal x
                x += 1
                return x
        return increm

>>> from closure import createIncrementor
>>> inc = createIncrementor(5)
>>> inc()
>>> inc()
>>> inc()

Voila, a closure.

Closures turn out to be really important in JavaScript thanks to its weak
modularization model i.e. namespaces are difficult to segregate minus such
patterns.  Closures get used to mitigate name collisions.

Python is less dependent on that pattern, given it has other ways to
confine names to local scopes.


[0]  http://tinyurl.com/hpgrebf  (Brython sprint / Cuba)

[1]  http://tinyurl.com/jbpef72  (mathfuture posting)
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