[Edu-sig] Edu-sig Digest, Vol 156, Issue 7
Naomi Ceder
naomi.ceder at gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 15:21:02 EDT 2016
This would probably be a good time (as a list moderator) to remind everyone
to keep things respectful and kind.
Personal attacks are never allowed. From anyone. Full stop.
On 14 July 2016 at 02:41, Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org> wrote:
> Hi Carl,
> On 13/07/16 23:23, Carl Smith wrote:
> > Just tried contributing to Mu, and was ridiculed by Nicholas Tollervey,
> > so wont be bothering with it now.
> >
> If that's how I made you feel, them I'm sorry.
> Nevertheless, I'm trying to work out how asking for evidence could be
> construed as ridicule. I was trying to set out the scope of Mu, why we
> made the UX design decisions we did when building Mu, what I would need
> in order to accept changes and tried (but obviously failed) to strike a
> pleasant and welcoming tone.
> > It would have been an interesting project. I've taught Python
> > professionally, and developed very similar tools before, so it's exactly
> > the type of thing I normally enjoy working on. The frosty welcome from
> > Tollervey was a bit too much though.
> >
> For the benefit of everyone else, the full exchange and my "frosty"
> response can be found here:
> https://github.com/ntoll/mu/issues/116
> I'd encourage people to read it and make up their own mind.
> I'm trying to work out how asking for evidence can be construed as
> "frosty". You stated that you thought the editor was childish, you
> mention minimalism without explaining what you meant and you criticised
> our UX design decisions.
> Of course I'm going to ask for evidence. What else did you expect?
> Finally, making this personal by singling me out and casting aspersions
> in a public mailing list makes me *very* uncomfortable and is not a nice
> thing to do.
> As I mentioned at the start, if I made you feel like you were being
> ridiculed, then I apologise - but it is unacceptable to make ad hominem
> attacks on people simply because they've asked you for evidence to back
> up your brief and undeveloped assertions in a ticket.
> Finally, and for the record, we welcome feedback, both good and bad,
> from anyone no matter who they are. As we mention in our "contributing"
> statement (https://github.com/ntoll/mu/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst), we
> expect people to follow the PSF's code of conduct, engage with respect,
> humour and intelligence and to expect robust yet respectful feedback.
> I trust that, in future, you will bear this in mind.
> Best wishes,
> Nicholas.
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Naomi Ceder
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