[Edu-sig] (no subject)
kirby urner
kirby.urner at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 13:57:06 EDT 2016
Here was my Lesson 07 of 10 for Saisoft.net (July 2016). I've been doing a
series of Python courses for them, as shown in earlier postings to this
archive. In a followup post, I'll list some of the Jupyter Notebooks we
toured, plus the one I've developed for MathFuture (a Google Goup).
I'm finding this a fruitful approach:
* start with Anaconda distro
* use Spyder for IDE but also demonstrate "bare command line + vim" type
dev styles
* take Python fluency developed in Spyder and copy-paste-adapt to Jupyter
* go back to IDE, but keep using JN.
I show the Raspberry Pi as a physical device on camera and suggest getting
one, case might be 3D printed. We don't actually try making the Pi join us
on zoom.us (our multimedia teaching platform), but that's an experiment I
might try.
I refer to the REPL as my "chalk board", "scratch sheet", "doodle
pad","chat window" (chatting with Python) as well as my "repl"
The editor window is more self explanatory. Spyder gives us the green Run
Arrow to merge "__main__" with the doodle pad's namespace. Useful to write
scripts, run, then doodle with the created functions and classes.
For semantics I go:
* basic primitives, including datatypes, dir() help() type()
* functions along with ** and *
* collections.namedtuple --> explicit class-based version
* classes, inheritance
* instance, class, static methods (sans decorator)
* generators, decorators, context managers, descriptors
But always with spiraling i.e. we keep going back to the beginning and
iterating through a bunch of stuff.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Jul 26, 2016
Course: PYT-PR (Saisoft.net)
Session 07
Kirby Urner
kirby.urner at gmail.com
Audio Check (6:15 PM PDT)
Python's Pillar Communities (three of many)
web developers API (Django, Web2py, Flask, Pyramid...)
STEM professionals (Anaconda / scipy / Enthought...)
Animation / Graphics (pillow, Blender, vpython, pi3d)
Continuing from last week:
Example API: File Type Objects (returned by open())
Types: filetype, enumerate, sys, sys.argv
Writing a command line utility
LAB 1: write utility to print python source to
console w/ line numbers
Shifting gears...
Jupyter Notebooks (come for free with Anaconda distro)
($ pip install will get you there too)
Periodic Table in Jupyter Notebook
LAB 2: get 'Atoms R Us' NB running on your localhost
unittest and the importance of unit testing (PyUnit from JUnit)
pytest, nose.... 3rd party offerings are great too!
LAB 3: add more unittesting methods to Atoms R Us
and/or adapt the Movie Database API code to Jupyter
Tour of more Jupyter Notebooks with hints of upcoming
topics (decorator @) (generator yield) (with)
Summary of Session 07
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