[Edu-sig] Editors/IDEs for teaching
Aivar Annamaa
aivar.annamaa at ut.ee
Tue Jul 3 14:26:33 EDT 2018
I am author of Thonny. My initial target group was my students in our
university's first programming course (CS 101 according to your
taxonomy). I wanted an easy way to show them the exact meaning of main
programming concepts. Thonny was later successfully used in several
MOOC-s (both adults and high school pupils, probably same level as your
CS 100) and also with high school students in an after school program
(young learners). According to web forums it looks like independent
learners also use it, but I don't have much feedback from this group.
Like Nicholas, I don't intend to copy every feature from professional
IDE-s. I do intend to add some new features for beginners, for example
error explanation service (instructions for fixing common syntax errors,
interpretations of NameErrors etc, reminders about putting str or int in
correct places etc). Please add your opinions about which errors should
it target:
BTW, Thonny also comes with Python built-in and it has plug-ins for
MicroPython support (https://bitbucket.org/plas/thonny-micropython).
best regards,
On 3.07.2018 17:27, Andre Roberge wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm compiling a list of available editors for Python designed
> specifically for teaching, with information about the primary targeted
> audiences and would welcome your comments and/or suggestions for
> additions or corrections. So far, I have
> Target audience (my own draft definition; feel free to improve upon this):
> * young learners (elementary and high school students)
> * hobbyists - beginners of all ages learning on their own
> * CS 100 course: elective course targeted at non CS (or even non STEM)
> students. The focus is more on concepts, using Python as the practical
> tool to learn these concepts, rather than learning the Pythonic idioms
> or learning the effectiveness of various algorithms. For example, list
> comprehensions would likely not be covered in such a course as it does
> not add anything conceptually to an explicit for loop.
> * CS 101 course: core course in CS meant as a requirement for future
> courses. Some pythonic idioms and details about algorithms would
> likely be covered.
> Editors / IDEs :
> * IDLE: included with Python. Intended for everyone.
> * Mu (https://codewith.mu/). Primarily intended for young learners and
> hobbyists.
> * Thonny. (http://thonny.org/) I am guessing that it is primarily
> intended for CS 101.
> * Wing 101 (https://wingware.com/downloads/wingide-101) Primarily
> intended for CS 101.
> * PyCharm Edu (https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm-edu/) Primarily
> intended for CS 101.
> I am not looking for web-based solutions [otherwise, I would have had
> included Reeborg's World ;-)] and do not want to include obsolete or
> no longer maintained software (like rur-ple, the precursor to
> Reeborg's World.)
> Best,
> André
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