[Edu-sig] Editors/IDEs for teaching
Wes Turner
wes.turner at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 18:29:13 EDT 2018
Spyder has code cell support for evaluating a delimited block of code at a
#%% cell 1
# In[0]: (cell 2)
- Ctrl-Return -- Run cell
- Shift-Return -- Run cell and advance
$ conda install -y spyder
You can export Jupyter notebooks to .py files with the second form of cell
delimiters with:
$ jupyter convert --to python
lists a bunch of IDEs, but not with such a useful table of structured
(I'm partial to vim & python-mode; which aren't at all beginner friendly)
On Tuesday, July 3, 2018, kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 12:45 PM, Andre Roberge <andre.roberge at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 3:59 PM kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I use Spyder in my adult beginner Python classes. I like the integrated
>>> REPL (not just a window to Terminal) and the I-Python console.
>> Looking at some old emails, about 3 years ago I had concluded that
>> Spyder would have been my first choice too, because of what you mentioned.
>> I also liked the integrated help. However, I would not describe it as an
>> editor (or IDE) whose primary purpose was for teaching, but rather designed
>> with data scientists in mind. I think it might be a good choice for CS 101
>> students (to use the terminology I used previously) or for a motivated
>> teacher who can be physically present to help students with it.
> Yes I agree that Spyder is not primarily for teaching. In making the job
> of coding easier, I good IDE inevitably serves a teaching function.
> I teach Python in two ways: BYOD (students have their own computers) and
> spin up a desktop in the cloud somewhere.
> The Anaconda distro suggests itself for BYOD because of its support of
> grabbing additional packages as well as integrating lots of tools.
> In the spin up a desktop courses, I've used Eclipse (O'Reilly School) and
> more recently Wing (ONLC).
> What I tell all my students is choice of IDE can be personal, a matter of
> taste, and they my want to jump around. I mention a bunch of them and
> demonstrate at least a couple near the start of my course, but then settle
> into using one most of all. That's been Spyder for the last few years.
> I'm enjoying Atom these days. I'm planning on sharing it tonight in fact
> (a 7th meetup of 10 for SAISOFT).
> What I like about Spyder is it's no cost and continues to improve. I like
> being able to clear the REPL at any time, also to %reset (wipe memory). In
> terms of students watching my screen in real time, I've become most
> comfortable with Spyder, but who knows if this will change.
> I have the programming window and REPL side-by-side vertically. I've got
> some Youtubes about it. E.g.:
> https://youtu.be/yK0LrfQFdQY
> (10 minute video about going from Codesters to Spyder, doesn't get to
> Spyder until around 3:52).
> I do not think my content, style, choice of tools, is in any sense "best"
> as circumstances and client needs vary, not to mention instructor
> capabilities.
>>> Also, I'm a fan of the Anaconda distro of Python which makes it easy to
>>> jump into Jupyter Notebooks, an introductory topic in my courses.
>> I also like Jupyter Notebooks, but I see them more as a tool for
>> producing teaching (or research) material, than for a platform for students
>> to learn Python. I consider the ability to save a program as a .py file
>> something essential in an editor for students.
> Yes, many ways to slice through the material. I just finished a summer
> camp in a computer lab where my primary objective was to walk them through
> cloning a git repo on a mac (git already installed) and then experimenting
> with Markdown in the Jupyter Notebooks they found therein. Add some
> pictures from Flickr. Add a few links.
> I did draw their attention to the Python code cells and encouraged them to
> experiment by making changes to existing code. One of the campers tried to
> get a Wolfram Alpha API working through his Notebook however that required
> dependencies we didn't have permission to install apparently. These
> desktops were provided by the college hosting the summer camp (Reed in
> Portland). I talked them into putting Anaconda on.
> FYI, the repo in question:
> https://github.com/4dsolutions/MartianMath
> These were middle schoolers, about 15. I had an assistant instructor but
> he was mostly involved with C6XTY projects (unplugged).
>> The last time I wanted to do a major update to my Anaconda distro on
>> Windows, I was shocked to learn that the recommended way was not going to
>> work (I believe it was due to the way that Anaconda was stuffing too much
>> stuff on the PATH environment variable which made it not possible to do an
>> upgrade to include a newer Python version). I may have got the details
>> wrong, but I do remember being severely disappointed by the way it worked -
>> as I had gotten really fond of its super-battery included philosophy which
>> made it so much easier to install some packages on Windows...
> Anaconda is a moving target and the experience on Windows / Mac / Linux
> varies some. Still, it's a viable alternative to the canonical Python.org
> distro.
> Jupyter Notebooks represents a kind of "literate programming" (Knuth)
> where what you're showing with code may indeed not so much be about
> teaching the language itself. We're more surveying the contemporary
> workplace, looking at tools that might already be used, or might be soon
> introduced.
> In this summer school use case, we were looking at spatial geometry as a
> primary topic, and were learning a cross-section of skills that would not
> really characterize a contemporary computer science or computer programming
> class, even through Anaconda was on every desktop.
> Most my Python teaching is more conventional in terms of content, not so
> alien. With kids I've been using Codesters, which compiles Python to
> Javascript in the browser (doesn't fit the bill regarding IDEs we've
> mentioned). However must my work is with adults (I focus on andragogy more
> than pedagogy).
> What I find useful as a teacher is to keep tackling related challenges at
> which I'm definitely a beginner. For instance, I've been studying the
> language Rust quite a bit (recent Pycons have mentioned it, plus I'm about
> to go to OSCON).
> Kirby
>> = = =
>> Looking back at my old notes, I see that Ninja IDE (http://ninja-ide.org/)
>> was also recommended by some people.
>> I have much to think about ...
>> André
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