[Edu-sig] another perennial topic... callable functions versus types
Wes Turner
wes.turner at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 22:47:32 EDT 2018
Python parameter and return type hints are expressed as function
annotations which import and derive types from the typing module and the
- PEP 3107 -- Function Annotations
- PEP 0484 -- Type Hints
- https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/#function-method-overloading
- https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/#the-typing-module
- https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/controlflow.html#function-annotations
- from typing import List, MutableMapping, Hashable, Iterable,
- https://github.com/python/typeshed
- https://github.com/python/typeshed/tree/master/third_party/2and3
- FunctionType, CodeType,
MappingProxyType, SimpleNamespace,
GeneratorType, AsyncGeneratorType,
MethodType, BuiltinFunctionType,
TracebackType, FrameType
On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 6:37 PM kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote:
> I enjoyed our discussion of post-its versus buckets, or not versus:
> objects in memory take up space, and so are bucket-like, but look how many
> labels (post-its) some of them have!
> I find it useful to have memory take shape as something finite, even when
> we're enjoying more of it on contemporary devices. Python is biased
> against making gratuitous copies, or against copying gratuitously, we maybe
> could say.
> Memory is respected. L.sort() is "in place" whereas sorted(L) leaves L
> untouched. This "inplace" idea carries forward as a keyword argument
> (named parameter) in many cases.
> I confess, in my own courses, I could do more with deepcopy, explaining
> what it is and how to do it. I'll get on it.
- copy()
- deepcopy()
- PyDict_copy
- pprint(depth=n)
a, b = [1,], [2,]
pprint.pprint(a, depth=1)
"Why are these methods faster?"
- https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/enhancingperf.html
- https://ray.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pandas_on_ray.html
- https://github.com/alex/zero_buffer/blob/master/zero_buffer.py
> When is it a copy, when a view? is a discussion in pandas as well.
- https://github.com/apache/arrow
- https://arrow.apache.org/
- zero-copy streaming data
> Another topic:
> Another pair of categories I like to tease apart are function versus type,
> when it comes to what's a callable.
> range() used to be a function that returned a list. Now it returns an
> instance of the range type, a sequence. More like dict(), int() and so
> on. Not like hex().
> enumerate() and zip() are likewise calls to classes, triggers to __init__s
> (birth methods). We're asking for instances. We're calling types.
> Functions return objects too, so one should not say the difference is
> whether they return objects. Both do.
> The difference is instances of a type live on with the methods of that
> type, whereas a function does not directly bequeath its methods to any
> "children".
class A(): pass
def func(): print(1)
A.__dict__['func'] = func
a = ()
a.__dict__['here'] = func
a.__class__.__dict__['func2'] = func
b = A()
assert hasattr(b, 'here') == False
assert hasattr(a, 'func') == True
assert hasattr(a, 'func2') == True
# isinstance / MRO
> Functions are factories of other than instances of themselves, even if
> they return other functions.
> What nuances this view is that FunctionType is a type of object, so
> calling a function is calling a type.
> However, the way a function responds to being called is like an instance
> does when its type has a __call__ method defined.
Is a generator a callable?
> ===
> One of my favorite ways to connect classes and functions is to show how a
> class might "eat" a function such that the function remains callable, and
> yet the instances may also multiply, in which case the functions compose to
> create other functions:
> @Composable # class
> def F(x):
> return x + 2
> @Composable # class
> def G(x):
> return 2 * x
> H = F * F * F * G * G
> (H is now a "pipeline" of F(F(F(G(G(x))))) )
https://medium.com/@westurner/the-fn-py-fn-monad-optionable-f11ceefb567b :
"The fn.py fn.monad.optionable decorator — @optionable — makes
functional composition with chaining easy, too:
> More on REPL.it:
> https://repl.it/@kurner/Composing-Functions
> (red X warning flag next to lambda expression is bogus, runs fine, Spyder
> is smarter)
> Kirby
> PS: this morning I saw Guido's talk at Stanford on type annotations,
> which he recently tweeted about [1]. I definitely include mentioning to be
> on the lookout for such syntax going forward, and not being thrown by it.
> I emphasize that standard core Python sees annotations more as a type of
> documentation, with 3rd party hooks understanding them more as directives.
Is there anything to do runtime type checking from annotations (just like
pycontracts; maybe even with the additional constraints language)?
> [1]
> https://twitter.com/gvanrossum/status/1003792557652914177
> (June 4)
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