[Email-SIG] email v3.0 feature request

Gerrit Holl gerrit at nl.linux.org
Thu Oct 23 13:58:29 EDT 2003


I have an idea for email v3.0.

I think it may be useful if the e-mail module can treat the Received:-headers
specially, and parse them for the user. It would then offer it as a
Received object (an instance of a Received class?), being an iterable sequence
with information of from/by/for/at as attributes of the object (with the
date being a DateTime object rather than a string, of course). I recently
though I could use this for a script which checks when an email arrived at
my computer and then determines what to do with it based on this information.
Currently, I solve this problem my replacing the Date:-header, which is
not really an elegant solution.

It is just an idea. I have no plans to implement it. I hope the idea is
welcome ;)

yours mailly,

t to another house, she
shall be judicially condemned and thrown into the water.
          -- 1780 BC, Hammurabi, Code of Law
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