[Email-SIG] Feed parser recipe

Matthew Dixon Cowles matt at mondoinfo.com
Thu Aug 26 22:14:05 CEST 2004

Dear Anthony,

>> So I thought I'd ask here if anyone thinks that the feed parser is
>> likely to change significantly between now and 2.4 final.

> I don't know of any plans to alter it. I'm pretty happy with the
> version that's there now - it's remarkably robust.

That's great.

>> The feed parser can parse them, but the resulting Message object
>> is internally inconsistent: get_main_type() returns "multipart"
>> but is_multipart() returns False. In that case, my code applies
>> some messy heuristics in an attempt to figure out what the right
>> content-type is.

> This was something I recall hitting and deciding that the correct
> solution was the current one. I'm not sure what else it could do -
> maybe change the multipart to something else and install a
> .defects, but this really doesn't appeal to me, at all.

I agree entirely. You'd have to guess what to change multipart to.
And the standard library isn't the place for a bunch of messy
heuristics. I think that example code, such as Alex's Cookbook, is a
much better place for things like that.


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