[Email-SIG] Maybe a bug, maybe not

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Mon May 3 16:33:41 EDT 2004

Alexandre Ratti wrote:

> This change seems to fix the problem. I fed a mailbox with several of
> these messages to spambayes and they were parsed OK and flagged as spam
> as expected.

thank you very much for the fix.  I may just make a part of the 
installation process for camram.

Seems to me that since the message body is of type list and not straying 
when it enters the_handle_text method, that the problem lies further 
upstream in the dispatch method.  Unfortunately, I haven't had enough 
time to sit down a puzzle out how it works.  I think a better solution 
would be one further upstream directing the message to the appropriate 
type of handler.

But, for now, a less than ideal solution that works is a far sight 
better than all these exceptions popping up.  Thank you again for the 


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