[Email-SIG] SF bug #1017329

Tony Meyer t-meyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon Nov 1 05:28:09 CET 2004

[Not sure if you wanted discussion here or in the tracker, so guessed here.
Sorry if that was wrong.]

> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=10173
> 29&group_id=5470&atid=105470
> This one wants to extend the Message API by enabling 
> iteration over headers.  I'd like to get your opinion about 
> whether this would be a useful thing (or even a good thing 
> <wink>), and whether to add this for Python 2.4/email 3.0.  

Iteration over headers is already provided by:

import email
>>> msg = email.message_from_file(open("d:\\example.txt"))
>>> for i in msg.keys():
... 	print i

Isn't it?  (Works for me, anyway).  I wouldn't expect that "for i in msg:"
would iterate only through the headers - I would expect the body [parts] to
be iterated through somehow, too.

So -0 from me.  +1 on raising a more understandable error, though, if that's
not difficult.

> This might be considered a new feature rather than a bug so
> perhaps it missed the Python 2.4 beta cut.

I'd definitely say it was a feature rather than a bug.


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