[Email-SIG] save .msg as .txt

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Sat May 7 15:02:29 CEST 2005

On Sat, 2005-05-07 at 05:54, Kalpana Sinduria wrote:

> 	I am new for python. working on Linux, having python 2.2 ver.
> 	I have to write a C++ code to convert Microsoft .msg file to plain .txt
> file.
> 	Is it possible to parse Microsoft .msg  using python's email package and
> save it as .txt file.
> 	I am interested only in "from", "CC", "subject", "Date time " and "message
> body" not in attachment with .msg file.

If it's stored in plain text RFC 2822 format, then sure <wink>.  If not,
then no, email's parse wouldn't be able to handle it.  Is the format
even documented?  I've heard that it's nearly impossible to get the full
plain text message out of some Microsoft tools.


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