[Email-SIG] which email package for Python 2.3 / 2.4 / 2.5?

Bill Janssen janssen at parc.com
Mon Nov 13 02:04:22 CET 2006

> > Hmmm.  When I install email 4.0.1 ("python setup.py install") into my
> > Python 2.3.5 release, then "import email", I still get email version
> > 2.5.5.  Do I have to mung the standard library in some way?
> I think that's just a function of the way Python works; its stdlib  
> shows up on sys.path before site-packages, so you do have to set  
> PYTHONPATH or sys.path in order to get things to work the way you  
> want them to.
> - -Barry

That's not good.  It means I have to do wierd and wonderful -- but
mostly fragile -- sys.path hacking before trying to import email.  Now
I'm back to wishing that the 3.x and 4.x email packages had a support
system for backwards-compatible APIs.


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