[Email-SIG] Email 6.0

Tony Nelson tonynelson at georgeanelson.com
Sun Apr 5 22:01:26 CEST 2009

At 13:26 -0400 04/05/2009, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>I've started a branch for the email package version 6.0.0.  Given that  
>we have until May 2nd to solidify this thing for Python 3.1, I  
>honestly don't think we'll make it.  I would rather concentrate on  
>getting this right, and usable as a standalone package, then work  
>toward getting the new version into Python 3.2 and backported to 2.7.

Lets also fix some existing bugs, for 2.6, 2.7, and possibly 3.1 if
it can get healthy enough to use.

>I'm working on a branch in Bazaar, at lp:~barry/python/email6
>% bzr branch lp:~barry/python/email6

I'm not able to check out that branch:

    bzr ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh"//bazaar.lanchpad.net//~barry/python/email6/".

Probably it is because it has not been pushed.

>This is a branch of the Py3k trunk.  I'm starting by refactoring the  
>huge test_email.py file into smaller separate tests, then fixing thing  
>as I go.  After the tests are working I plan on starting to fix the  
>API and other problems we've talked about.  For now, let's coordinate  
>on this branch.  IOW, if you'd like to contribute (and I hope you do!)  
>please branch the above and let us know about it here.  I'll keep the  
>above branch as (for now) the master copy.

As I'm new to bzr and launchpad, I'm not sure what all that means. 
Does it mean that I should create a branch at my own launchpad account,
based on a checkout of lp:~barry/python/email6?
TonyN.:'                       <mailto:tonynelson at georgeanelson.com>
      '                              <http://www.georgeanelson.com/>

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