[Email-SIG] Problems with quoted-printable attachment

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Thu Mar 5 00:00:18 CET 2009

Aaron Fransen wrote:
>I have a MIME email I've received generated by Microsoft Windows Mail
>In it are two PDF documents encoded using quoted-printable.
>No matter what I do, or what method I try, I can't seem to decode the darned
>attachments properly! Yet Outlook has no issues decoding. I've tried quopri,
>email, even wrote my own decoder to see what I could figure out. All of them
>generate a file exactly 150 bytes shorter than the version Outlook

Are they missing a \r at the end of each of 150 lines?

If that's the difference, I'm not sure that there's anything you can do
about it as the sending MUA is not properly encoding the data. I.e. if
a <CRLF> vs a <LF> line terminator is significant, I think the data
should be base64 encoded. I know Outlook and maybe other Microsoft
MUAs do encode some PDFs as quoted-printable, but I suspect this is

OTOH, if some data are quoted-printable encoded as

or other

or equivalent, that should decode as

something\r\nor other

and if it is decoded as

something\nor other

then the decoding is wrong

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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