[Email-SIG] [Python-Dev] email package status in 3.X

Steve Holden steve at holdenweb.com
Fri Jun 18 04:32:51 CEST 2010

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 08:48 PM, lutz at rmi.net wrote:
>> Well, it looks like I've stumbled onto the "other shoe" on this
>> issue--that the email package's problems are also apparently 
>> behind the fact that CGI binary file uploads don't work in 3.1
>> (http://bugs.python.org/issue4953).  Yikes.
>> I trust that people realize this is a show-stopper for broader
>> Python 3.X adoption.
> We know it, we have extensively discussed how to fix it, we have IMO a good
> design, and we even have someone willing and able to tackle the problem.  We
> need to find a sufficient source of funding to enable him to do the work it
> will take, and so far that's been the biggest stumbling block.  It will take a
> focused and determined effort to see this through, and it's obvious that
> volunteers cannot make it happen.  I include myself in the latter category, as
> I've tried and failed at least twice to do it in my spare time.
> -Barry
Lest the readership think that the PSF is unaware of this issue, allow
me to point out that we have already partially funded this effort, and
are still offering R. David Murray some further matching funds if he can
raise sponsorship to complete the effort (on which he has made a very
promising start).

We are also attempting to enable tax-deductible fund raising to increase
the likelihood of David's finding support. Perhaps we need to think
about a broader campaign to increase the quality of the python 3
libraries. I find it very annoying that the #python IRC group still has
"Don't use Python 3" in it's topic.  They adamantly refuse to remove it
until there is better library support, and they are the guys who see the
issues day in day out so it is hard to argue with them (and I don't
think an autocratic decision-making process would be appropriate).

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
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