[Email-SIG] [Python-Dev] email package status in 3.X

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Fri Jun 18 17:31:09 CEST 2010

On 18/06/2010 16:09, lutz at rmi.net wrote:
> Replying en masse to save bandwidth here...
> Barry Warsaw<barry at python.org>  writes:
>> We know it, we have extensively discussed how to fix it, we have IMO a good
>> design, and we even have someone willing and able to tackle the problem.  We
>> need to find a sufficient source of funding to enable him to do the work it
>> will take, and so far that's been the biggest stumbling block.  It will take a
>> focused and determined effort to see this through, and it's obvious that
>> volunteers cannot make it happen.  I include myself in the latter category, as
>> I've tried and failed at least twice to do it in my spare time.
> All understood, and again, not to disparage anyone here.  My
> comments are directed to the development community at large
> to underscore the grave p/r problems 3.X faces.
> I realize email parsing is a known issue; I also realize that
> most people evaluating 3.X today won't care that it is.  Most
> will care only that the new version of a language reportedly
> used by Google and YouTube still doesn't support CGI uploads
> a year and a half after its release.  As an author, that's a
> downright horrible story to have to tell the world.

Really? How widely used is the CGI module these days? Maybe there is a 
reason nobody appeared to notice...

> [snip...]
>> Should Python 3 have been held back until email was fixed?  Dunno, but
>> I personally am very glad it was not; where I have a choice, I always
>> use Python 3 now, and have yet to run into a problem.
> I guess we'll just have to disagree on that.  IMHO, Python 3 shot
> itself in the foot by releasing in half-baked form.  And the 3.0
> I/O speed issue (remember that?) came very close to blowing its
> leg clean off.

Whilst I agree that there are plenty of issues to workon, and I don't 
underestimate the difficulty of some of them, I think "half-baked" is 
very much overblown. Whilst you have a lot to say about how much of a 
problem this is I don't understand what you are suggesting be *done*?

Python 3.0 was *declared* to be an experimental release, and by most 
standards 3.1 (in terms of the core language and functionality) was a 
solid release.

Any reasonable expectation about Python 3 adoption predicted that it 
would take years, and would include going through a phase of difficulty 
and disappointment...

All the best,

Michael Foord


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