[Email-SIG] header folding

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Wed Jul 27 16:07:33 CEST 2011

R. David Murray writes:

 > That's an interesting point.  So perhaps I should rename the control
 > 'header_source_refold'.

I don't know have a strong opinion, but I tend to think it's

 > On the other hand, we could also provide a separate control
 > for whether or not quoted printable bodies in particular were
 > folded,

If the body is already known to be quoted-printable, you don't really
have a choice.  Folding lines longer than 76 characters after
quoted-printable encoding is required by RFC 2045.  Of course you can
do more folding than necessary (eg, fold an 85-character line at 35
and 70 characters), but that doesn't seem very useful to me.

It seems to me that the policy question (if it exists) is "We have an
all-ASCII body with 'long lines'.  Shall we encode in quoted-printable
only for the purpose of folding the long lines?"

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