[Email-SIG] API for email threading library?

Bill Janssen janssen at parc.com
Tue Jan 10 19:12:36 CET 2012

Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at xemacs.org> wrote:

> Bill Janssen writes:
>  > So, stripping double-quotes on the left side stays, stripping brackets
>  > on the right side is a no-no.
> Hrm.  How about interpreting quoted-pairs?  (Not that you should ever
> see them, but ....)
> That is, <"b\l\o\op"@grok.this> and <"bloop"@grok.this> should compare
> equal, no?  Or yes?

Yes, I think.

> Which leads me to ... I wonder if the way the Postel Principle applies
> here isn't "you're better unifying too many message IDs because the
> user will immediately recognize thread content skew, while unifying
> too few will result in different parts of the thread being widely
> separated in the presentation of the message set, and possibly
> premature ejaculation of responses".[1]  So, (without having thought
> about it *too* much<wink/>) I would advocate unifying message IDs that
> are likely to be (mistakenly?) "normalized" by some implementations.
> And of course, you should never see such message IDs in practice; I
> don't think I've ever seen a mailbox, let alone the LHS of a message
> ID, in quotes outside of an RFC.<wink/>  Although I *have* seen whole
> addresses in quotes.

That's probably right, too.  And Mark Crispin says as much.


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