[EuroPython] You are never alone with Python
Mon, 19 Nov 2001 13:15:56 +0100
Le Mon, Nov 19, 2001 at 12:20:15PM +0100, Martijn Faassen pianota:
> 6 days ago -- implausible; I wasn't throwing around the name
> yet six days ago, except possibly on the EuroZope list.
That's not a big surprise, though. I hesitated a few times to
register this domain name myself. (I was even surprised nobody
did it before ...)
On the november 9th, you wrote to the EuroZope list :
"Moves could even be made towards organizing some form of
EuroPython sister organization to the EuroZope assocation by
A few days later, the domain name was registered by a German
> I'd like to know what's behind this as well. Simplest would be
> just to mail him and ask what's up.
Did you ask yourself or should I do it ?
P3B : Club Python(-Zope) Belge --------- http://www.p3b.org
OS3B : Club Open-Software(-Linux) Carolo http://www.os3b.org
Aragne : Python-Zope Solutions & Formations http://www.aragne.com