[EuroPython] spacetime
Stefane Fermigier
Wed, 21 Nov 2001 13:33:38 +0100
On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 01:28:12PM +0100, Marc Poinot wrote:
> I think Europython has not the same target as LSM. As a matter of fact =
LSM was
> more a Debian Linux meeting, with some extras from place to place.
> It's more a developper place, nost of them using software as a hobby, n=
> for their own job.
> The Python topic in there was something like "Hey, we're there, come an=
> have a look a Python."
> Don't be afraid by Python overdose, as long as you can balance your bud=
We also need to send a clear message to the prospective attendees.
> Thus, I think it's better to focus on "high" level tutorial, with
> solution topics for supercomputing, banks, webs, real-time control,
> system administration, etc... We can have some workshops with real
> case studies: yes can I do a format translator in half an hour,=20
> yes all the XML tools are there just pick them up, yes I can do FFT, et=
> People would leave the event with Python solutions, instead of some new
> language questions.
> One more point is that many European people are frustrated by the IPC
> events (or even O'Reilly confs), because a week in the USA is far more
> expensive than three days elsewhere in Europe (except Monaco).
> The Brussel place is the right place for the European Python community.
I completely agree with these two last statements.
St=E9fane Fermigier, Tel: +33 (0)6 63 04 12 77 (mobile).
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