[EuroPython] Special prices in Charleroi Business Hotel and other

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Wed, 03 Apr 2002 09:59:55 +0200

Denis Fr=E8re wrote:
> We met the administrator of the Business Hotel today.
> http://www.businesshotel.be
> It's a good business class hotel well situated near the center,
> they have a sauna, good alcohols and they are Internet aware.
> We can enjoy certain advantages :
> There are 57 rooms available (all double)
> 1 person  : 66 EUR for a room + 7 EUR for the breakfast
> 2 persons : 66 EUR for a room + 14 EUR for the breakfast
> (Normal prices, as shown on the website is 80 EUR + 12/24 EUR)
> 7 of these are suites (larger rooms with a lounge) but have a 35 EUR
> supplement.
> You can book online.

Is there some code word we have to mention on the registration
web-page to get the reduced rates ?
> If it's too expensive, there are cheaper hotels. Formule 1 is the less
> expensive one (ask to Joachim, Martijn and Kit what they think about it=
> they slept there.) http://www.hotelformule1.com/formule1
> It should be possible to reserve rooms in a sport center too (still
> cheaper), but we would have to assure fixed reservations. Tell us if
> many of you would like this kind of accommodation.

Good work, Denis !

Marc-Andre Lemburg
CEO eGenix.com Software GmbH
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