[EuroPython] Re: Website [Was : Back]

Tom Deprez Tom Deprez" <tom@aragne.com
Wed, 3 Apr 2002 20:27:17 +0200

> > Anything I need to know?
> The website is not readable with Linux/Netscape 4.77
> Must be the css ... the background is black. :-(
> With Mozilla it's just fine though. 

Ok, Vincent & Olivier made a patch.
> Wouldn't the time have come to put a page with the program ?
> In a disordered way, first, as soon as speakers are confirmed,
> in a time table as soon as possible.

Yes, Are there arleady some confirmations?
> Another point : we need a banner to put on friendly websites.
> Vincent sent me the one I put into the wiki
> http://www.europython.org/draftwiki/EuroPython_banner.gif
> It's nice but perhaps someone on the list will find the killer
> slogan of the year. 
> Wake up your inventiveness ! We're waiting for proposals...

Great idea. Perhaps the text shouldn't be placed in the logo.
