[EuroPython] moving forward

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Thu, 04 Apr 2002 14:03:02 +0200

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Hi there,
> Sorry for my quiet for some time; I had a deadline just before easter,
> and then easter break. Next week I'll be off in Berlin for the Zope BBQ;
> I believe we want to do an impromptu EuroPython meeting there with whomever
> shows up -- I think we need to set a day and time for that. :)

I had a discussion with Tim Couper about this. Wouldn't it make
sense to have an official meeting of the conference team in
Charleroi sometime early in May ? 

We both think that some things can more easily be decided on 
at a F2F meeting, e.g. taking a tour of the building, checking 
availability of rooms and possibilities of having parallel 

We might also want another preparatory meeting early in June
to get clear on last-minute issues.

Thoughts ?

> I'd like to move ahead with the call for participation by speakers,
> going for the simplified approach suggested by Marc-Andre (no web form,
> the track organizers just mail people they want to be speakers):
> Currently it says we have the following tracks planned:
>    1. Python and Jython (Conference Day 1, AM + PM)
>    2. Python in Business (Conference Day 1, AM)
>    3. Python in Science (Conference Day 1, PM)
>    4. Zope (Conference Day 2, AM)
>    5. Web Services (Conference Day 2, AM)
>    6. Python in Computer Education (Conference Day 2, AM)
>    7. Python in Computer Graphics (Tutorial Day, AM)
> So, do we have track organizers for each tracks?
> Right now I'm in favor by the way of mostly ignoring the given time
> blocks (day 2 am), and taking them as suggestions until we get further
> information on who is speaking. I can imagine tracks spanning longer times,
> possibly running in parallel with tutorial day, etc, if the need arises,
> or some tracks may devolve into just one or two talks and/or tutorials.
> I also raise some questions on having web services running in parallel with
> the Zope track -- I imagine people interested in Zope may also want to attend
> things on web services (then again, this always happens. Still, running the
> Python 'hackers' track in parallel with the Zope track will probably give
> rise to less conflicts).

Tim and I chose to move the web services track to day 2
to be able to use the time frame for a round-table 
discussion as follow-up to the business track on day 1.

Mainly, because web services will probably not have more
than 3-4 talks (6 talks would fit into the time frame).

If we could find a different time frame for the optional
round-table discussion, moving the web services track
is not a problem (shouldn't be in parallel to the business
track for obvious reasons, though ;-).
> 1. Python and Jython
> Who is organizing Python and Jython? Perhaps we should rename this to the
> 'Python language track' or the 'Python hackers track'. Though perhaps that
> is too specific, if we're to have talks on, say, XML in it. Anyway, I
> see some room for highly technical talks on Python the language. It looks
> like we can do something something technical on Jython, Psyco, and Stackless.
> Alternatively we can have less intense introductory talks about all three;
> I think we should certainly plan something along those lines for Jython.

Just an idea: I would appreciate a talk about where Jython stands
w/r to CPython in terms of features, bugs, etc. It would also be
interesting to hear about success stories on using JPE to bind
CPython to the Java VM and PyPerl to bind Python to Perl.
> I'll help organize parts of this track but I shouldn't do it on my own,
> so who else is/wants to be involved?
> 2. Python in Business
> This track seems to be in very capable hands so I'll leave it alone in
> my discussions. :)
> 3. Python in Science
> How is this coming along? Did the 'I need a letter from the conference so
> I can prove it is real' bit get worked out yet? I am afraid I lost track
> of that.
> 4. Zope
> Tom Deprez is helping to organize this, along with me, but we could use some
> assistance here. I see Dario Lopez-Kaesten is also interested in helping
> out.
> 5. Web services. This seems to be moving along as well.
> 6. Python in Computer Education. How are we coming along here? This,
> besides the business track, may be most interesting to attend for locals
> in Charleroi (we do need to have some appeal for them). Who is
> organizing this? Should this be a full fledged track?
> 7. Python in Computer Graphics
> This doesn't seem to be a track as such, more like a person who wants to
> do a tutorial. Of course we can give tutorials, but perhaps we should
> demote this one from track status unless I'm missing something.

What other tutorials are planned ? 

Just to get the wording right: I'd suggest not to use the term 
"track" for tutorials to avoid confusion.
> I need at least one person stepping forward for each of these tracks;
> if no one does we'll simply have to drop that track. All the track
> leaders should organize an effort to mail people they want to give
> talks; what the program committee as a whole needs first is a list of
> who they've contacted and for what, and what the response was (and any
> possible special requirements). By the end of this month speakers should
> mostly be finalized and we can start to put together the actual program.

Is putting a list of proposed talks into the Wiki enough ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
CEO eGenix.com Software GmbH
Company & Consulting:                           http://www.egenix.com/
Python Software:                   http://www.egenix.com/files/python/