[EuroPython] people I've sent mail
M.-A. Lemburg
Mon, 29 Apr 2002 22:13:00 +0200
Juergen Hermann wrote:
> OK, here's the detailed talks. Someone put those on the right track.
> (pun intended ;)
Ok, here's what I make of it...
> Lightning talk or 25min:
> "MoinMoin - Lessons learned in a Python OS project"
> Going from a 600 line CGI script to a 11000 lines application,
> evolving over two years, MoinMoin is still manageable due to
> modularization and its plugin architecture. During that time, some of
> the initial decisions remained right, some less so.
This one sounds ideal for the Python Applications track.
> 25 or 35 min:
> "Integrating Python into a high-performance web platform"
> Using Python in a high-load web environment (~400 linux servers, 600+
> million page hits a month, ~10 million registered users) poses
> special challenges, but it makes an ideal companion to other (mostly
> open-source) products & technologies (GNU/Linux, Apache, MICO (CORBA),
> Xerces/Xalan, Oracle). The talk will highlight some of the benefits
> and trade-offs of using Python in such an environment.
This would fit nicely into the standard Python/Jython track.
> Bio:
> J=FCrgen Hermann works for WEB.DE AG. His team integrates Python into
> WEB.DE's technology platform and provides internal consultancy.
> Before that, he worked on B2B/B2C e-commerce solutions since 1995.
Looking forward to meet you at the conference,
Marc-Andre Lemburg
CEO eGenix.com Software GmbH
Company & Consulting: http://www.egenix.com/
Python Software: http://www.egenix.com/files/python/