[EuroPython] payment provider

Tom Deprez Tom Deprez" <tom@aragne.com
Tue, 30 Apr 2002 16:15:39 +0200

> > I can't recall a single argument against doing this.  Why aren't
> > we doing this already?
> I would have liked to work hand in hand with EuroZope, instead of using
> a 'hack' like ShareIT. Python and Zope are closely related, we should
> have answered Joachim proposal in February, at least.

Yes, I'm sorry, I must have missed that proposal and I didn't thought on the
payment system of EuroZope myself.
We were too focussed on looking at other possibilities. So, we are now too

> > Whose agreement do you need?

> An earlier consensual decision would have been nice.

Yes, but, unfortunately, we didn't made a decision and now the time is
running. I would also have loved more people joined these kind of decisions,
because then more ideas would be looked at. Or at least told what they liked
or didn't liked.

I'm not sure, but I'm afraid we don't have the time anymore to go with the
EuroZope payment system. Or Joachim would find the time to give us a quick
demo. On the other hand I also understand that people will be very
suspicious if the authentication isn't correct... I don't know how quickly
SSL can be set up on the EuroPython.org. (I hope the owners of the server
can respond to this?), so if we aren't sure this is possible ...

At the chat, we've set the deadline to be wednessday, just because we need
it to move forward. We can't wait too much longer.
