[EuroPython] payment provider

Tom Deprez tom.deprez@village.uunet.be
Tue, 30 Apr 2002 21:32:20 +0200

Rust, sorry!
I meant ShareIT....

----- Original Message -----
From: "M.-A. Lemburg" <mal@lemburg.com>
Cc: <europython@python.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: [EuroPython] payment provider

> Tom Deprez wrote:
> >
> > > > * Is the payment page SSL protected ? (with a browser preinstalled
> > > >   certificate) yes and no (own certificate), but if EuroPyhon can
> > provide a secure
> > > server, we can run this there.
> >
> > I forwarded this one to the maintainers of the EuroPython server.
> >
> > Further I've asked the contact information,etc of P3B to denis, so that
> > can make a Kagi account.
> > If later on, we manage to have the payment through EuroZope, it's even
> > better, but meanwhile we can accept payments through Kagi.
> Just a note: Why are you now talking about Kagi ?
> They are much more expensive than ShareIT:
> http://www.kagi.com/features/
> Also, ShareIT is a EU-company based in Cologne, unlike Kagi
> which is a US company in the SF Bay Area.
> You'll run into VAT problems that way (and you don't want
> to do that...).
> --
> Marc-Andre Lemburg
> CEO eGenix.com Software GmbH
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