[EuroPython] Press release in wiki
Sun, 10 Feb 2002 16:25:02 +0100
Le Sun, Feb 10, 2002 at 02:46:02PM +0100, M.-A. Lemburg pianota:
> I've applied some edits. Please have a look... is the following
> correct ?
> """
> The European Python and Zope Conference is an initiative by EuroPython=20
> Conference Team to bring together European Python and Zope users and=20
> developers.
> """
> and later:
> """
> EuroPython/Zope Conference Team
> P3B c/o Aragne
> Boulevard G=E9n=E9ral Michel 1E
> B-6000 Charleroi.
> """
More accurate :-)
As I told during our december meeting, if we need a official name under
which the evenement must be placed, we can use P3B (Python Blanc Bleu
Belge). It's a belgian non-profit organisation devoted solely to the
glory of Python and derivated products.
But, of course, if we add "EuroPython/Zope Conference Team" in front of
P3B, it will reflect reality better. Good so for me.
Aragne is our commercial company (and main sponsor of P3B). I think it's
better if it's just a company as others and not the main organizer.
For your full information, OS3B is also a non-profit organisation : a
Charleroi Linux Users Group we will get help from, Python and Zope being
free-software. (And I quite agree with S. Fermigier : we have to be
explicit about this. That's the reason why Charleroi's Authorities
accept to support the event, not because of technical excellency.)
Back in a few hours ...
P3B : Club Python(-Zope) Belge --------- http://www.p3b.org
OS3B : Club Open-Software(-Linux) Carolo http://www.os3b.org=20
Aragne : Python-Zope Solutions & Formations http://www.aragne.com