[EuroPython] Conference Extra-curricular activities?
Nicolas Pettiaux
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 00:23:09 +0100
Le Lundi 11 F=E9vrier 2002 22:26, Joseph Santaniello a =E9crit :
> I recall from the O'reilly OPenSource conferences that there were "open
> forums" in the conference rooms after hours which groups could sign up =
> to discuss/do whatever they wanted to. This allowed ad-hoc groups of
> people to form mini-tracks on the fly, as they saw fit.
> That was one of the more interesting features, in my opinion.
> It also might be nice to have some sort of open forum for people/compan=
> to showcase some of their work and to make potential business contacts
> with others in a semi-structured way.
Very important for the business track
> These are vauge not fully formed notions, but does this sound interesti=
Nicolas Pettiaux
Avenue du P=E9rou 29
B-1000 Brussels