[EuroPython] Python tracks/topics
Tim Couper
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 08:54:59 +0000 (GMT)
OK. So we're agreed broadly about the scope. However,
we do need to get the right topic title, 'cos if we're
confused, it'll be 10x worse for attendees!
"Suits". While it's unlikely that members of this
species will appear at a Python conference (it being
perceived as a techy conference), what's probably
wanted is a clear presentation of the arguments and
resources that can be used/available to win hearts and
minds of such persons. This is one of the key thoughts
behind the Python and Business track (perhaps
"Business" is misleading). With that as a goal, I
think we need case studies based on "this is the
organisation and its mindset, here's what we did and
here's how we changed it (or failed to change it and
why)". Clearly this is applicable to anyone who's
trying to use python in their work - either in the
commercial or scientific domains. I'm unsure how much
interest/overlap there is between these 2 domains,
insofar as the "suit" problems being addressed overlap
- although one does need arguments for both managerial
"Suits" and technical "Prima Donnas". Maybe we should
call the session "My mind's made up; don't confuse me
with the facts" ...
Anyway, looking at practicalities, if this is where we
want to go, I wonder if we could have a series of
10-15 minute talks, say for an afternoon, asking
presenters to focus on the issues which enabled them
to succeed in introducing, or reinforcing the use of,
Python in their organisation, and can follow it with a
BOF for those who'd like to develop or promote any
ideas further.
Just my 2 (euro)cents
--- Joseph Santaniello <someone@arbitrary.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 at 20:14, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> > Joseph Santaniello wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello All,
> > >
> > > Perhaps 'Python in The Real World' is just too
> general a topic. Maybe
> > > something like 'Python for solving Real World
> Problems' which has
> > > scientific issues, technical discussions, etc,
> and examples of real world
> > > solutions that have been implemented in Python,
> and another track that
> > > focuses on the more non-technical, or less
> specific aspects of Python in
> > > practice. Things like all the business,
> cultural, and development model
> > > stuff.
> >
> > Nothing against scientific applications, but what
> we Tim and I
> > originally had in mind was a session where we
> could discuss
> > business models around Python, strategies for
> convincing
> > decision makers about the values of using Python
> in projects,
> > total cost of ownership w/r to Python and Python
> applications,
> > etc.
> >
> > In that sense "the Real World" meant: Python in
> business
> > environments.
> >
> > So perhaps we need two tracks:
> >
> > * Python in Business
> > * Python in Science
> By Python in Business do you mean using Python to
> solve business problems
> (figuring out finance charges or something) or the
> business of using
> Python and getting it to be accepted, etc.
> If we think of it as how Python can be used to
> figure out business
> problems, it is quite similar to scientific problems
> (or any other for
> that matter) and I think perhaps it would be
> suitable to have a track
> filled with all sorts of "real world" applications
> of Python, be they
> business, scientific, or whatever.
> But I do agree that there should be a track
> specifically for the "suits"
> which discusses among other things the
> non-programming specific aspects of
> Python. Things like it's overall benefits, how it
> works well as a
> modelling language, how it is quick to develop with,
> how it's easy to
> read and thus maintanable, and things about how to
> convince
> non-technical sceptics that is is a viable
> alternative to other more
> well-know technologies, etc.
> I think we are sort of saying the same thing.
> Joseph
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