[EuroPython] Offer: publishing contact

Denis denis@aragne.com
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 00:57:15 +0100

Le Thu, Feb 14, 2002 at 02:17:49PM +0100, Stefane Fermigier pianota:
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2002 at 12:54:19PM +0100, Dinu Gherman wrote:
> > His general attitude is roughly this: Python hasn't quite 
> > taken off in France, and definitly not with Pearson books.
> > [...]
> Isn't New Riders / SAMS part of Pearson ? (I think so).

Not sure for New Riders, sure for SAMS. They took over CampusPress last

If it can help : I translated the book "L'Intro Python" that's Ivan
Van Laningham's "Python in 24 hours" (SAM's Publishing). 
I've to admit it was not the best book about Python.

> Anyway, I can contact the person in France (I may even pehaps already
> know him/her).

Tell him that with the fee I got for that translation, they should have
some money left ! ;-)
And they still owe me 10 books...


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