AW: [EuroPython] BudgetTeam, Budget Questions
Andrew Smart
Sun, 17 Feb 2002 04:00:13 +0100
> Andrew Smart wrote:
> > I've created a BudgetTeam Page:
> >
> > I've joined the team :-)
Welcome :-)
> I've joined too. No experience with this, but I felt I should at least
> be aware of what's going on there.
Oh, you'll see that budgeting and money is easy... if you have enough of it
Else is also easy... just be sure to be the first one running ;-)
I love numbers and calculations, and I'm sure we have enough
conference-experienced people around to help out. We just have to ensure
enough manpower and intelligence for getting sponsors.
How we will handle the budget data/calculations? Is there any usable
OpenSource spreadsheet avaiable? StarOffice?