[EuroPython] Tutorial: Using FreeMovie

Jacek Artymiak jacek@artymiak.com
Wed, 20 Feb 2002 09:33:23 -0100

On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 01:40:56PM +0100, Bernhard Herzog wrote:
> How much interest would there be in a graphics track? There are quite a

Count me in for the graphics track.

> few graphics projects in Python. In addition to freemovie and reportlab,
> there's piddle/sping, PIL, Justs's font-stuff and Sketch (and no doubt
> I'm forgetting some).

Blender, tdmagic, Alice, RoboFog, ...

Python is also used in commercial applications like Caligari trueSpace.

Jacek Artymiak
writer, author, developer, consultant --------------------------- 
e-mail: jacek@artymiak.com            ---------------------------
   www: http://www.artymiak.com       ---------------------------