[EuroPython] To all mail list members: what's your opinion?

Tom Deprez Tom Deprez" <tom@aragne.com
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 13:40:01 +0100


> Would YOU choose to be a member? Beeing member does not neccessaryly mean
you have to pay a membership fee (but I'm not saying that there will be NO
membership fee :-) - no one knows that till today...)

Yes, I would become a member, depending of course (if there will be a
membership fee) on how much the fee will be.
At the moment I'm a paying member of EuroZope, so I don't know why I
shouldn't be one of EuroPython. Perhaps in the future, both organisations
can work together.

> Are you willing to be a "functionaire", meaning playing some part of
"official role"? Apart from fame and some far-future treasures this does
mean some responsibility and maybe work.

Euhm, yes, that's what I'm doing, not? At the moment of course only during
my free time... I've volunteerd and did some small bits on the website
already, I also volunteerd to read/order, etc the submitted papers. Of
course, I'm willing to do other jobs as well, if I'm sure I can handle them
and have time for them.
I also feel myself responsible for this, since I live in Belgium
(Bruxelles), about 50 km from Charlerloi, and I work for Aragne.... the
persons who made it possible to get the conference room for a very, very :-)
cheap price ....

Regards, Tom.

> Please answer in any case, I would even prefer a "I don't care, I don't
> want" more than no answer.
> And, to be a good example, YES I am willing to be a member (personally as
> well with my company) and I am willing to do some work and to play
> "functionaire" in whatever role as far my time-resources are enabling me
> do so...
> Andrew
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