[EuroPython] Scientific topic

Denis Frère denis@aragne.com
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 10:27:04 +0100

Le Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 09:51:12AM +0100, Marc Poinot pianota:
> I wonder if it's possible to have a kind of "formal" agreement letter
> [...] 
> Did anyone at P3B could sign such a letter ?
> [alias I can write it and fax it to P3B if you don't already
>         have that kind of letter]

Good idea : write it and send it by mail (I don't like fax) so we're
sure the letter contains just what you need.


P3B    : Club Python(-Zope) Belge --------- http://www.p3b.org
OS3B   : Club Open-Software(-Linux) Carolo  http://www.os3b.org 
Aragne : Python-Zope Solutions & Formations http://www.aragne.com