[EuroPython] Payment, taxes, accounting, badges

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Sun, 05 May 2002 23:25:06 +0200

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > That was a quote taken from the mailing list. I'd rather dump the
> > early-bird registration altogether: if we manage to setup the
> > ShareIT registration next week, we'll have 3 weeks of payments
> > in May. The money from ShareIT for this month will be on the
> > P3B bank account by mid-June -- and that's all we have to
> > finance upfront costs.
> You need the early bird discount to encourage people to sign up early,
> so that (a) you have some money for up front cost, and perhaps more
> importantly (b) you have an idea of how registration goes.  If there's
> no early bird discount, everybody will follow their natural
> tendencies, which is to wait until the last moment.  (Also make sure
> they understand that if they register and pay at the door it's even
> more expensive -- I'd say EU 50 more again; otherwise you'll have
> endless lines with walk-on registrants.)

Ok, so how about limiting the early bird discount to
all registrations up to and including May 31. We'll get
those by mid-June on the bank account. All later online
registrations will be on the bank account by mid-July -- 
half a month after the conference.

Plus, raise the on-site registration to standard fee + EUR 50.

PS: The subject line also includes "badges" -- is there anyone
who can take care of printing badges ? We can use the online
registration data + the conference speaker data for printing
them upfront and will have to provide the reg. desk with 
a printer and appropriate software for doing the same
in real-time.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
CEO eGenix.com Software GmbH
Company & Consulting:                           http://www.egenix.com/
Python Software:                   http://www.egenix.com/files/python/