[EuroPython] Obscenely cheap flights to Charleroi.....

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Tue, 07 May 2002 09:17:10 +0200

This information should probably go on the travel web-site

Thanks for digging it up, Andy.

Andy Robinson wrote:
> Ryanair just quoted me GBP 0.35 for the flight out (!),
> and GBP 8.00 for the return.  Even with taxes the return
> journey from Stansted to Charleroi is about 30 Euros.
> If flying from other parts of Europe on a budget,
> strongly consider taking one of the budget airlines
> (www.ryanair.com, www.easyjet.com, www.go-fly.com)
> to Stansted and out to Charleroi.  This would cover
> about 30 locations in Europe...
> And if the organisers are paying for Guido or others
> from the USA, consider staging through London....
> Enjoy
> Andy Robinson
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Marc-Andre Lemburg
CEO eGenix.com Software GmbH
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