[EuroPython] Message au Zopemaster

Tom Deprez Tom Deprez" <tom@aragne.com
Wed, 8 May 2002 01:12:16 +0200


Would it be possible to add a EuroPython banner to the Zopera site?
We're trying our best to make this event as great as possible. Both Python
and Zope enthousiastics will find something in which they interest.

Your site reaches a lot of people and it would be great if you gave
EuroPython2002 (www.europython.org) a chance to become a solid event
somewhere in Europe, every year.

You can download the banner at http://europython.zope.nl/images/banner_03.

 It would also be great if you could announce the following on the site as

"The EuroPython Conference Team announces the first major Python and Zope
Conference in Europe to be held in Charleroi, Belgium on June 26-28, 2002.
The European Python and Zope Conference is an initiative by the EuroPython
Conference Team to bring together Python and Zope users and developers. This
is also an opportunity for those who are interested in these technologies to
learn more about them. This will be the first major European event dedicated
solely to the Python programming language and its applications. Since Python
is seeing a lot of use and much important Python software is developed in
Europe, European Python community members felt it was high time to organize
such a gathering."

Many thanks in advance,

Tom Deprez.