[EuroPython] the python & jython track naming
Tom Deprez
Tom Deprez" <tom@aragne.com
Fri, 10 May 2002 15:54:35 +0200
> Hi there,
> I think 'Python and Jython' for the thing formerly named Python Hackers
> track is a bad name. It implies it'll be mostly about Jython, while
> Jython is just one talk in a whole bunch.
> I suggest we rename it to something like the "Python Language" track, even
> though this describes the contents of the track less well than Python
> Hackers. This is after all a track about cool hacks, big and small,
> with the Python language. I won't argue about the PR stuff though, even
> though this might educate people on the true meaning of the word 'hacker'
> Anyway, so let's call it 'Python Language' for now, until a better
> comes along. Can we change this on the published schedule?
> Considering the program anyway, we should take a look at shifting perhaps
> some talks from 'Python Language' into 'Python Applications'; thus far we
> will have more people willing to give talks for the latter than for
> the former, and I imagine this will remain the case.
Argh, not again this discussion. I'd hoped this discussion was closed on the
last chat, everybody agreed ;-)
Mmm, I don't know that people would think as they see 'Python & Jython',
that it will handle only on Jython.
Lets put it on the chat program for monday. But let us not discuss about
this too much, there are points to handle which are more urgent