AW: [EuroPython] Introducing: The Managers

Andrew Smart
Fri, 17 May 2002 17:11:46 +0200

Hi folks,

currently I'm again too slow. Have now to read 133 mails... sigh...

I support the idea of "The Managers". I'm in discussion with a person which
has some organisational skills, but without any technical knowledge about
programming, python, ZOPE, HTML etc. BUT she is bright, and would be very
happy to help out and she has definitifly time left. Maybe some sort of
assistance to "The Managers"?

Are you interested? And: do you think you can give her clear, precise jobs
she can do without having to code HTML or to build new ZOPE products ;-)? I
think about: getting the press release out to all know contacts, calling
possible sponsors and such things...

I would love to help out personally, but currently there is a ++ Mio EU
project in "heavy sea" and I need to focus on that.

To discuss details: I can arrange a phone conference; or just call me under
+49 228 9783660.
