[EuroPython] FYI: Updated press release
Fri, 17 May 2002 22:49:24 +0200
[Paul Everitt Fri, May 17, 2002 at 01:49:32PM -0400]
> Here is an updated version of the press release (reviewed earlier by the
> executive committee):
> http://europython.zope.nl/draftwiki/UpdatedPressRelease
the press release sounds good, but let me note from my journalistic
experience that some more information would be appreciated:
- how many people in europe are *approximately* using python
(10.000, 100.000 or ?). maybe it's completly unknown?
- how is the conference organized (collaboratively...)
- maybe mention that this is the second big free software
developer's event this year. (the other beeing
FOSDEM with 500-1000 people in Bruxelles earlier this year).
- give a number like 'more than 100 tutorials/presentations/lightning
btw, many computer journalists like this kind of statistical information
as they usually don't care to research it :-)