[EuroPython] Comment on timetable

Nicolas Chauvat Nicolas.Chauvat@logilab.fr
Tue, 21 May 2002 12:56:31 +0200 (CEST)


In order to organize the Python&Science track I had to read the timetable
several times and my conclusion is that it would be nicer if we could
remove the legend and put the names of the tracks directly in the chart,
as it is for "Zope3 Tutorial". The way it is now, you always have to
switch back and forth from the legend to the chart to figure out what is
specific session is about. 6 different colors is too many for normal human
beings to remember in one glance.

Nicolas Chauvat

http://www.logilab.com - "Mais oł est donc Ornicar ?" - LOGILAB, Paris (France)