[EuroPython] SUMMARY WEEK 20

Tom Deprez Tom Deprez" <tom@aragne.com
Wed, 22 May 2002 00:48:09 +0200

What happened last week (week 20)?

* We created a new EuroPython2002 poster

* We announced the Booths page http://europython.zope.nl/exhibitors
There are two different booths available... have a look at it and decide.
We think that everybody should be able to find something for his/her

* We announced the Sponsor page http://europython.zope.nl/sponsoring
Yes, you can buy a page in the leaflet which will be created by ReportLab!

* We announced the talks page, which should now contain most talks

* ESR (Day 2) and Guido Van Rossum (Day 1) keynotes are confirmed

* Joachim and Tom  launched the registration page. If you haven't registered
then do it now! This is you chance to say: "Yes!, we want such a conference"

* Paul Everitt, created a press-release which will be released this week
(week 21)

* Godefroid and Juan-David started to make the website multilingual.

* The main menu was cleaned up. Now you should find everything even better

* To _all_ Again, spread the word! We need all the help we can get!
